Friday, April 30, 2021

8 reasons that hinder losing excess weight

 Have you replaced French fries and soft drinks for various diet regimes, but are you still of the same weight? These are the most important reasons for not losing weight.

You may think that eating small amounts of food will help you lose weight and give you a slim figure. This may happen when people treat the reasons for not losing weight before starting different dieting regimens. Here are the 8 most important reasons for not losing weight:

Reasons for not losing weight

 There are many possible reasons for not losing weight that many may suffer, and here we will mention the most important reasons for not losing these weight:

 1. Water

 Not drinking enough water during the day may expose you to obesity, as water makes up about 60% of your body and has a great effect on your weight, so drinking a moderate amount of water before meals helps suppress the appetite and reduce the number of calories.

 A 12-week weight loss study found that people who drank a pint of water 30 minutes before meals lost approximately 44% more weight compared to other individuals.

2. Diet foods

 Many diet foods contain abundant fats and hidden calories, and they increase your cravings for sugar and reduce your energy level, which leads to weight gain over time.

 Foods such as: oats, low-fat yogurt, and gluten-free foods often contain sugar and fructose additives, which causes an increase in sugar in the body, and its accumulation in the form of fat in the hips and abdomen.

 Although soft drinks are free of sugar, they contain artificial sweeteners that your body cannot easily digest, which causes them to move into the intestine, and because of glucose intolerance and high blood sugar, the behavior of intestinal bacteria may change, turning these substances into fat, so you should choose Diet products After looking closely with his label, this is one of the reasons he has not lost weight.

 3. Daily meals

 Skipping meals may cause you to gain more weight instead of losing it. It may seem logical that eating less food by skipping a meal may help you lose weight, but skipping meals often proves counterproductive for several reasons, including:

 The body's metabolism works better with regular meals, as the body burns calories during the digestion process, but when you stop eating enough food, your metabolism rate slows down.

 When you don't eat enough food, your body responds backward by preserving the food as fat for energy.

 For example, skipping breakfast may make you feel more hungry around lunch, and you may overeat at the time.

4. Sleep

 Failure to get adequate sleep, may be another reason for weight gain, because sleeping in an abundant amount at night stimulates hunger hormones and increases appetite, which leads to weight gain over time, as studies indicate that lack of sleep is one of the main risk factors for infection. With obesity, adults and children who suffer from lack of sleep have a 55% and 89% risk of suffering from obesity, respectively.

 To support your weight loss efforts, make sure you get 7 to 8 hours a day of restful sleep.

 5. Protein

 Not eating enough protein may make you suffer from excess weight, and a high-protein diet is good for weight loss, as it reduces cravings for sugars and prevents excess fat deposits due to sugar accumulation.

 Where one study indicated that eating a diet rich in protein prompts feelings of fullness and controls appetite, which helps in losing weight.

 6. Medicines

 The side effects of some medications may be a cause of your weight gain, as some prescription drugs used to treat depression, diabetes, heart attacks, migraines, and high blood pressure can cause weight gain, so if you are trying to lose weight while you are taking prescription drugs this may be One of the reasons for not losing weight.

 Also, some medicines may increase your appetite and incite hunger pains, and there are also those who slow the metabolism or cause water retention, so if you notice your weight gain shortly after you take the medicine, do not stop it before consulting a doctor or getting an alternative.

7. Hypothyroidism

 Hypothyroidism is a disorder that affects the thyroid gland, which is responsible for secreting fat-burning hormones, so when the body produces less of these hormones, your body ends up burning less calories and stores them in the form of fat that accumulates after a period of time and leads to a drastic increase in weight.

 8. Fruit juice

 Fruit juice contains a high amount of sugars, and lacks fiber, protein and healthy fats that keep you more satiated. This may make you snack between main meals, which increases your daily caloric intake.

 One small orange may contain about 45 calories, which is low and good for your body, but when you decide to make a cup of juice, you may need 3 to 4 oranges, which makes you get 180 calories in minutes.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

What are effective ways to remove or prevent stretch marks?

 Oh! that’s the painful question.

In this article we will try to summarize the information wich can be helpful and we will also share  some personal stretch marks experience.

So, let’s start with the basics.

Stretch marks can occur anywhere where the skin has been stretched, but they usually affect areas where fat is stored, such as the: tummy (abdomen), breasts, upper arms, buttocks, thighs,and even shoulders (in bodybuilders).

And the sad truth is that some people seem to get stretch marks at the slightest sign of weight gain, while others have resilient skin that resists all stretching.

Factors beyond your control such as genetics, age and pregnancy may make your skin more likely to develop stretch marks, but you can control other factors to help prevent these lines.

How do stretch marks occur and develop?

Stretch marks are ruptures (subcutaneous haemorrhages), which over time heal and are replaced by connective tissue. Originally, they have a red or purple color, but they become lighter in time. When touched, the sensation is like a slight convex strip or recess.

Stretch marks appear in the dermis, the middle elastic tissue layer that helps the skin retain its shape. The ability of the skin to stretch (its elasticity) is a major factor in where stretch marks would eventually appear and in what direction they will form.

Not always, but especially during the development period, atretch marks can cause burning and itching. These imperfections do not pose a health risk nor compromise the ability of the body to function properly and recover. It is estimated that more than 70% of women who were or are pregnant and 40% of adolescent teenagers have stretch marks.

What causes stretch marks?

The main reason for their appearance is the excessive stretching of the skin. Stretch marks may be more visible if the phenomenon is combined with dehydrated skin. People with dry skin are more prone to the formation of stretch marks.

Examples of stretch marks are often seen when rapid increase or decrease in weight is existent (muscle mass and / or fat), pregnancy, periods of corticosteroid intake or topical application of corticosteroid lotions and creams, puberty.

Other factors that may have a serious impact on these women who have given birth are: lower maternal age, excessive fat accumulation and weight gain of over 15 kilograms.

Specific factors such as existing personal or family history of stretch marks, breast augmentation procedures, Marfan Syndrome, Cushing's Syndrome, and other genetic diseases also provoke the appearance of these scars.

Here’s more info about the medical conditions mentioned above:

- Cushing’s Syndrome

Very typical symptoms, related to this medical condition are stretch marks. They develop because the condition involves the overproduction of cortisol, which causes very rapid weight gain, mostly in the abdomen.

Skin changes to watch for include stretch marks on the arms, thighs, abdomen, and breasts, along with acne and skin that bruises easily.

Because skin becomes more fragile, thin and more susceptible to bruises, it can easily lead to stretch marks development.

- Marfan syndrome

People who have Marfan syndrome are very prone to stretch marks development. They usually appear on the lower back, buttocks, shoulders, breasts, thighs, and abdomen.

In that case, stretches on the skin are not related to weight gain or loss. This a genetic condition that causes weakness and decreased elasticity in body tissues.

-Ehler-Danlos Syndrome

This is a heritable connective tissue disorder. It's common physical characteristic is stretch marks’ development. Affected individuals tend to bruise easily, and some types of the condition also cause abnormal scarring.

Occasionally, in the prolonged or inappropriate use of corticosteroid creams and lotions used to treat skin diseases and eczema, stretch marks can occur due to decreased collagen levels and thinning of the skin. The last stage of the stretch marks is a scar characterized by loss of collagen. Collagen is a key protein throughout the body, providing strength and softening in various areas, including skin.

Stretch marks prevention

The best way to reduce the likelihood of getting stretch marks is by keeping a healthy weight. Fast weight changes through aggressive diets are not only a serious prerequisite, but are, in most cases, unhealthy.

During pregnancy, it is inevitable to gain weight in a short period of time, but there is still some way to controthe cndition of your skin to some extent (through a healthy diet and regular exercise).

This will not only reduce the chance of stretch marks during the pregnancy period, but will also be healthy for the pregnant woman and her baby.

# 1. Internal Hydration

One of the main reasons for the appearance of stretch marks is dry skin or dehydration. Drinking enough water can improve skin elasticity and have a beneficial effect. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is:

-About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids for men

-About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women

These recommendations cover fluids from water, other beverages and food. About 20 percent of daily fluid intake usually comes from food and the rest from drinks.

# 2. Shea butter or cocoa butter

Another prerequisite for the appearance of stretch marks is the lack of collagen and elastin, which are essential elements supporting the skin structure. It is possible that cocoa butter with vitamin E and elastin or shea butter can help prevent, but a number of studies prove that they do not have any particular effect on stretch marks that have already appeared.

# 3. Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin A:

Important for the regrowth of the skin, maintaining healthy bones, nails and hair. Helps restore damaged tissue and improves dry and scaly skin. Experiments show that the use of vitamin A locally supports the vitamin saturation in the epidermis.

Vitamin A also stimulates the process of epidermal cell renewal. The content of collagen in the skin increases and an improvement in elasticity can be observed.

Vitamin A rich foods: sweet potato, carrot, cabbage, lettuce, apricots, melon, red peppers, tuna, mango.

Vitamin C:

One of the most important roles of vitamin C is that it helps to heal wounds and scars. It is necessary for the synthesis of collagen and acts as a strengthening substance between the skin cells. The action of collagen is to provide a barrier against infections and diseases and promote wound healing.

Foods rich in vitamin C: yellow peppers, dark green leafy vegetables, kiwi, broccoli, strawberries, oranges, tomatoes, peas, papaya, guava.

Vitamin E:

Another important vitamin in the treatment of stretch marks. It is necessary to maintain the normal cell metabolism. Protects and heals the tissues of the body and skin. It acts as a powerful antioxidant. It is also used to support healing processes after surgery and scarring.

Vitamin E-rich foods: spinach, almonds, sunflower seeds, avocado, shrimp, olive oil, broccoli, kiwi.


An important ability of zinc is that it helps to produce collagen. It in turn has the property of keeping the skin tissues of the body together. Collagen is the most abundant structural protein and accounts for 80% of all connective tissue.

Zinc rich foods: oysters, veal and lamb, chicken and pork, wheat germ, spinach, cashew, pumpkin seeds, chickpeas.

The next step is performing home treatment.

The following list represents some of the more successful proven remedies for stretch marks, which you can prepare at your home:


The natural acids containing in the lemon juice can make stretch marks to fade. Rub with lemon juice on the affected areas and wait about 10 minutes before removing it from your skin.


Massaging the skin with shea or cocoa butter two times a day will help your damaged areas become more hydrated.

According to various researches made, stretch marks will not fade completely, but will visibly diminish their sizes. The application of shea or coconut butter during periods of pregnancy may prevent forming of stretch marks.


Applying olive oil on affected areas may prevent further striae formations. It locks the moisture in the skin cells and is rich in vitamin E, which improves skin elasticity and collagen production. Olive oil has antioxidant activity and the essential nutrients in it recover the damaged cells.


Caffeine has smoothing and circulation stimulating effect, which improves skin elasticity and only after a few weeks visible stretch marks begin to fade. Mix coffee grounds and hot water and rub into the skin about 5 minutes. Then wrap the area with a cloth for about 30 minutes.


It has extremely rejuvenating properties and is used to remove any skin imperfections. Massage the affected areas about 15 minutes every day, then wrap with a thin cloth for 30 minutes. Repeat this process daily for about a month and you will see the improvement yourself.


Vitamins and minerals containing in the potatoes stimulate the development and reconstruction of skin cells. Shred a potato into thick slices and rub them onto the stretch marks, so that the juice covers them. Leave a few minutes and repeat this procedure every day for at least 2 months.


Beta-carotene containing in carrots is a great protective and regenerating agent for the skin. Boil some carrots until they are soft enough to blend. Spread the mashed carrots on the affected areas and leave it on the skin as long as possible. Then, rinse it with lukewarm water. Follow the process for one month and see the promising results.

" Source: Stretch marks: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention - SkinPractice "

To reduce stretchmarks, try to follow those simple tips:

•Try to consume unprocessed foods with high nutritional values. Thus, the skin will receive the nutrients needed to recover and maintain its healthy appearance.

•Drink plenty of water, dehydrating the skin leads to loss of elasticity. Keeping healthy weight also has a good impact.

•Physical activity does help you maintain a healthy weight, which may prevent your skin from stretching in the first place. Exercise and healthy eating are the best preventative measures for stretch marks, even during pregnancy

Without surgical intervention, it is virtually impossible to completely remove them as they are ruptures/scars in the dermis of the skin and are the result of the healing process.

I consider unnecessary to spend your money on surgical procedures before paying attention to your physical shape, healthy weight and healthy skin, as new stretch marks may occur.

You can help your stretch marks fade faster and become less noticeable color by protecting your skin from sun damage. The sun's rays can weaken the skin and cause the stretch marks to look worse. Use sunscreen with a SPF 30 or higher each time you expose your stretch marks to the sun. Be sure to reapply it regularly.

Most treatments have a partial or unsatisfactory effect according to many studies. Be realistic in your expectations.

Some creams and procedures may cause allergies or injuries, so you have to be prepared for the eventual risks and whether a particular treatment is even worth it. But there is Revamin Stretch marks, this cream is very effective because it is made with only Natural Ingredients, After two months of use, you will notice a difference in the disappearance of stretch marks, and the most important thing is that it has no side effects

So, it’s time to share some experience with the ‘lovely’ scar formations.

"Аlthough I still have stretch marks due to a 3-months corticosteroid intake (unfortunately, I could not escape it), they are considerably smaller than before. Here’s something I found very effective:

Egg whites - they help your skin recover very quickly. Apply egg whites on the affected areas at least 2 times a day (for at least 2-3 months) and you will notice that your stretch marks diminish their sizes and they may also lighten a bit (at least mine did.

I have tried this method on mine; you will experience a slight tightening of the skin while the egg whites are applied to it.

Just remember to stay persistent!"

"I thought I would never be touched by the problem of stretch marks... Unfortunately, after the birth of the baby, I got them, I felt unattractive and didn't like showing myself to my husband. I accidentally came across Revamin Stretch Mark - thanks to systematic use my stretch marks became invisible and my skin regained its firmness from before pregnancy!"

Note: The difference between home uses for removing stretch marks and other creams such as Revamin Stretch Mark, is that the former takes a long time and may not have any effect due to the wrong use of it, while special creams made from natural materials can remove stretch marks as quickly as possible.

WE really hope someone will find this information useful!

Sunday, April 25, 2021

The effect of nutritional supplements on weight loss


Weight loss: the slimming supplements of 2021

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Fat burner, drainer, appetite suppressant ... Not all slimming food supplements have the same properties. The brands have understood this well and have therefore adapted their products according to the silhouettes and metabolisms of each (e). Zoom on the slimming novelties of the year and their role in weight loss.

Warning: Food supplements can be an aid to facilitate weight loss but in no way constitute a full-fledged diet. They must be combined with dietary measures and regular physical activity.

 Special warnings: Do not exceed the duration of the cures recommended for each product. Avoid taking dietary supplements if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have a chronic pathology or liver disease. If in doubt, ask your doctor for advice.

Resurge - The Godzilla Of Offers Review

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John Barban’s Resurge is a supplement with well researched ingredients that have been proven to help you lose weight fast, stay healthy, look young, feel happy and it may even help with chronic conditions.

It has been proven now that most of the chronic condition we fight in modern society are not caused by bad diet, lack of exercise and even bad genetics.

How the Resurge supplement works?

Your body has the enormous ability to heal itself and 95% of ALL healing is happening during the deep sleep stage. 

Deep Sleep Stage promotes:

Energy restoration 

Cell regeneration

Increasing blood supply to muscles  

Promoting growth and repair of tissues and bones 

Strengthening the immune system 

But by far the MOST important thing that is happening during Deep sleep is the secretion of the hormone, that's frequently called THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH - Human Growth Hormone.

That's a hormone that promotes the healing of damaged cells and is the BIGGEST fat burner known to scientist.

The Resurge supplement helps you get enough of that restorative deep sleep, that YOUR body has been craving for SO LONG.

What ingredients are used in Resurge Supplement?

Resurge - The Godzilla Of Offers is using a unique formula that WILL promote that restorative sleep we have been talking about.

The Resurge Supplement is using all-natural ingredients and herbs, which have been proven to induce Deep sleep EXTREMELY fast and help you relax and get rid of stress.

Here are the ingredients: 

Magnesium and Zinc: This combination promotes relaxation and helps you to stay longer in a Deep Sleep Stage. Magnesium and Zinc have additional benefits of improved immune system, nervous system, circulatory system and are two of the MOST important minerals in our body.

Melatonin: Frequently called "The Sleep hormone", it helps you to fall asleep faster and promotes Deep sleep.

Ashwagandha: It Helps reduce stress and anxiety, which has been proven to promote Deep Sleep and the secretion of HGH.

Hydroxytryptophan: Enhances the effect of melatonin for deep sleep.

L-Theanine: Improves deep sleep while reducing anxiety levels and relaxes resting heart rate.

Arginine and Lysine: These ingredients help to increase HGH levels.

Is Resurge safe?

Resurge is absolutely 100% natural, safe and effective. Many thousands of folks enjoy taking Resurge every day and there has been absolutely zero side effects reported. Every capsule of Resurge is manufactured here in the USA in our state of the art FDA approved and GMP (good manufacturing practices) certified facility under the most sterile, strict and precise standards. Resurge is 100% all natural, vegetarian and non-GMO. As always, if you have a medical condition it's recommended to consult with your doctor.

What is the best way to take Resurge?

Simply take Resurge with a glass of water 1 hour before bed.

Resurge Supplement us available online if you want it click here

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic Review: Brand Overview

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Though the ingredients used are age-old, the formulations of this tonic have been done right here on U.S. soil. The Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is a product of the Okinawan dietary habits.

Research and studies into the Okinawan lifestyle have opened ways to integrate a traditional diet with the dietary habits of the modern world.

The makers of The Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic have done so by moving away from other weight loss methods and focusing on creating a powder rich in nutrients and medicinal properties. This powdered all-natural supplement is made from a blend of some of the most powerful, potent, and safe fat-burning and appetite suppressing ingredients.

Who would have thought that the food habits of one of the healthiest islands in the world would one day help you fight your battles of losing weight? The official website of the Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic says that the supplement provides effective antioxidants which support the immune system. What this means is that these antioxidants work against cancer-causing free radicals in the body, preventing oxidation and speeding the repair of damaged cells

One of the greatest reasons for those struggling to lose weight is their slow rate of metabolism. When mixed with water, this delicious tonic is not just capable of increasing metabolism but also supports the body’s digestive functions.

These combined properties of The Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic supplement mean a healthy response to inflammations, with a balance of the wellbeing and energy levels in the body.


— The tonic helps users experience rapid weight loss through fat oxidation and metabolic activity.

— The use of premium probiotic and prebiotic bacteria are sure to help the gut stay healthy.

— Reduction in hunger pangs while there is an adequate amount of energy to carry out everyday chores.

— Alleviates other health-related problems like bad cholesterol and maintains blood sugar levels.

— The regulation of blood sugar levels leads to increased insulin sensitivity.

— Certain ingredients in the tonic also act as aphrodisiacs, increasing one's libido.

— The supplement is manufactured as a powder instead of the traditional capsule form to ensure maximum effectiveness of the tonic.

— All Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic packages are made and manufactured in a U.S. GMP-certified facility.

— 90-day money back guarantee ensures maximum customer satisfaction.


— The Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic can only be purchased from their original online website store.

— Products are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any diseases.

— A healthcare professional needs to be consulted before consuming the Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic.

— Pregnant, nursing, and expecting mothers should not consume the product.

— Not meant to be sold or purchased by those under the age of 18.

>> Visit the Official Website of Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic for the Best Discount

if you are on a ketogenic diet Here are the best supplements to take on a keto diet 


Magnesium is a mineral that boosts energy, regulates blood sugar levels and supports your immune system

On a ketogenic diet, it may be even more difficult to meet your magnesium needs, as many magnesium-rich foods like beans and fruits are also high in carbs.

For these reasons, taking 200–400 mg of magnesium per day may be beneficial if you’re on a keto diet.

If you wish to increase your magnesium intake through keto-friendly foods, focus on incorporating these low-carb, magnesium-rich options:



Swiss chard

Pumpkin seeds



Medium-chain triglycerides, or MCTs, are a popular supplement among keto dieters.

They’re metabolized differently than long-chain triglycerides, the most common type of fat found in food.

MCTs are broken down by your liver and quickly enter your bloodstream where they can be used as a fuel source for your brain and muscles.

Coconut oil is one of the richest natural sources of MCTs, with about 17% of its fatty acids being in the form of MCTs with potential metabolic benefits

MCT oil can be easily added to shakes and smoothies or simply taken by the spoonful for a quick fat boost.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acid supplements, such as fish or krill oil, are rich in the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which benefit health in many ways.

Omega-3 supplements can be particularly beneficial for people on ketogenic diets, as they can help maintain a healthy omega-3 to omega-6 ratio when following a high-fat diet.

What’s more, omega-3 supplements can maximize the ketogenic diet’s impact on overall health.

To boost your intake of omega-3 fatty acids through keto-friendly foods, eat more salmon, sardines and anchovies.

Vitamin D

Having optimal levels of vitamin D is important for everyone’s health, including people following ketogenic diets.

The keto diet doesn’t necessarily put you at a higher risk of developing a vitamin D deficiency, but since vitamin D deficiency is common in general, supplementing with this vitamin is a good idea.

Vitamin D is important for many bodily functions, including facilitating the absorption of calcium, a nutrient that could be lacking on a ketogenic diet, especially in those who are lactose intolerant 

Vitamin D is also responsible for supporting your immune system, regulating cellular growth, promoting bone health and lowering inflammation in your body.

Keto Actives 

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Keto active is an entirely natural dietary supplement with slimming action. It has a short and transparent list of ingredients, with no unnecessary fillers. Instead of using controversial magnesium stearate, Keto Actives has instead opted for NuRice, a hypoallergenic anti-caking agent.

100% of it's Ingredients are Natural!

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ForsLean® - Indian nettle root extract [10% forskolin] - acting as a non-adrenal adenylyl cyclase stimulator, it promotes the breaking up of fats. Studies have shown the supportive role of forskolin in reducing body fat and maintaining lean body mass. After 12 weeks of 250 mg of ForsLean® subjects saw a significant decrease in body weight and fat content and a significant increase in lean body mass compared to a placebo.

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Clarinol®, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) - linoleic acid (LA) helps maintain normal blood cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that CLA accelerates fat burning in obese people; it likewise supports slimming of the legs and reduces the waist to hip ratio. Research has shown that adding CLA as a supplement is enough to see positive changes that are independent of a diet and exercise regimen.

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Natural anhydrous caffeine - increases concentration and endurance, and also minimises fatigue after physical activity.

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Bitter orange fruit extract - promotes lipid metabolism and weight control. Use impacts digestive system function.

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Black pepper fruit extract - supports the secretion of digestive juices, increases the absorption of nutrients, regulates bowel movements.

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Ashwagandha root extract - helps control weight, has a beneficial effect on energy levels.

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Capsicum extract - enables weight management and provides an ideal equilibrium for the digestive system.

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Chromium - maintains normal blood glucose levels, affects the metabolism of macro-nutrients.

>>You can visit the Official Website of Keto Actives to know more 

Friday, April 23, 2021

tips of weightloss in 2021

Simple lifestyle changes can help you lose weight and keep it off.

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If you want to lose weight, there are many fad diets that work to lose weight fast. But in order not to lose weight permanently, it is better to lose weight slowly. And many experts say you can do it, you just need to make simple lifestyle changes.

Use one or more of these simple, painless strategies to help with weight loss:

  • Eat breakfast every day.
  • Don't eat anything at night
  • Choose liquid calories wisely.
  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
  • Cut the portions.
  • Have protein with every meal and snack
  • Follow a personalized diet

Some weight loss tips that are actually evidence-based:

  1. Drink water before meals
  2. Eat eggs for breakfast
  3. Drink coffee (preferably black)
  4. Drink green tea
  5. Take a supplements 
  6. Try intermittent fasting

Is It Possible To Lose Belly Fat In Seven Days?

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A fat belly is linked to various diseases as it is the most harmful fat in your body. Aside from working out, avoiding junk food and alcohol are among the ways to get a flat belly.
Additionally, check out these tips for how to burn belly fat in less than a week:

  • Include aerobic exercise in your daily routine:

By burning a lot of calories, your general health will improve. Therefore, start doing high intensity running, swimming, or aerobic workouts, but keep in mind that frequency and duration are essential for satisfactory results.

  • Cut down on refined carbohydrates:

It is not necessary to stick to a strict low-carb diet, but it should be replaced with unprocessed carbs. Instead of white bread, white rice, and soda, eat more vegetables and whole grains.

  • Add fatty fish to your diet:

Oily fish such as salmon, sardines or tuna are a high quality protein and rich in omega-3 acids. By eating 2 to 3 servings per week, you can reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease and burn your belly fat.

  • Reduce your salt intake:

The salt consumed retains water and makes your belly swollen.

Read more »

Thursday, April 22, 2021

How to lose Belly fat fast without exercise and dieting


22lbs GONE in 13 days with this strange “carb-pairing” trick

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Her “Carb-Pairing” Trick Melted Away 22lbs in Just 13 Days If you’re upset about your weight and want to lose a little more, get this… An overweight mother with pre-diabetes has just SHOCKED the medical community by losing an unheard of 22lbs pounds in just 13 days… ….Without starving herself, she lost a total of 37lbs in the first month!
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